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Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Jianchao's Comment on Japanese Criticism of China's History Education
2005-03-09 00:00

Q: It's reported that on March 4, Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura said at a debate of the House of Councillors that China should improve its education on history and he would specifically raise this point when meeting with the Chinese Foreign Minister.

A: We are surprised at and dissatisfied with the remarks of Japanese side.

The Japanese militarism launched the aggression war against China and caused severe catastrophes to both the Chinese and the Japanese people. The Chinese Government has consistently advocated 'taking history as a mirror and looking forward to the future', and cultivated our people in the spirit of passing friendship between the two peoples from generation to generation. It's totally groundless for the Japanese side to accuse China of inciting anti-Japanese sentiment by history education. On the contrary, the Japanese side should properly view and address the problems left by history, so as to make active efforts to improve the friendship between the two peoples and promote the development of relations between the two countries.

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